Name: Petra/Pet
Age: cube .
Species: miner
Pronouns: they/he/she
Sexuality: pan
Gender: nonbinary
Disorders/Disabilities: feral ?
Nationality/Race: Cube .
Height: Tall . only one bigger than me was axel
Weight: average, bit of tum
Physical Skill: Buff Boy
Physical Quirks: lots of freckles . nd various scars . scruffy .
- just the one !
- Jesse >> Found
- Lukas >> Haven't Found
- Olivia >> Haven't Found
- Axel >> Haven't Found
- Nell >> Haven't Found
- Radar >> Found
- Jack >> Haven't Found
- Nurm >> Haven't Found
- Romeo >> Haven't Found
- Stella
i was feral . not like in the meme way but like as an actual physical/mental makeup . its weird
for most of the time pre-canon i was an adventurer for hire, doing odd jobs to get by . lots of fetch quests and the like . i was pretty decently well known as someone who had everyone's back if i was given the right price .
i ended up getting the short stick of everything . the wither sickness, the extended time in pamas system, and being romeos champion . felt a lot of guilt for just about everything, and often felt like i deserved it all . really just Goin Through It ! despite reassurances from jesse i had a hard time coping with it all
despite being a pretty weathered adventurer, i was pretty accident prone, nd had a good couple deep scars all over me . i could always get back up though
i should mention everything still retained a pretty samey block format but was definitely a lot .. softer . more resembling this world .
we werent human . we had some human traits sure but we were miners . most notably, miners can take tons of different appearances, the most common is just humanesque . miners used to be a lot more violent, but as time passed they became more sociable, and anyone with leftover violent traits is generally deemed a feral . there wasn't any prejudice about it, it was just terminology we used !
- they/them
- the uh green suspenders jesse, though they only looked like that for the first half of season 1 . they started growing their hair out during the portal arc . with my help they found out they were nonbinary and transfem, and by season 2 their hair was down their back and they were socially out .
- they hired me one day to go on a food run for reuben, nd i thought it was the funniest job offer i ever got so i stuck around for a while and got to know them . we stayed pretty close after that
- i don't remember every choice they made down to the dot but i know they were a friend to everyone, and all they cared about was being a kind soul in a harsh world . a real true blessing .
- we started dating pre-portal arc . after pama, lukas joined us too . we were all big goofs together, it was lighthearted and loving .
- just ... he nicest person . had a really deep respect for nature . like .. almost scarily able to make friends with every animal on the planet it was wild . started up the rose garden in beacontown as a means to express themselves .
- stayed in btown by the end of s2 . it was a mutual agreement and i encouraged them to ! they always knew they could find me if they wanted to .
- he/him, transmasc . was already transitioning by s1 .
- hired me for a couple various odd jobs and we ended up having a lot of conversation, instantly clicked . we were friends for a really long time before the events of canon
- we were the only ones that really Got eachother, and we spent a lot of nights just hanging out and talking about whatever was on our minds . we raised hell together when it got down to it . we were best friends first and foremost
- he had a lot of anger nd abandonment issues that he mostly left untouched or tried to brush off, but i helped him learn to vent when i could
- a big softie when it came down to it, he helped me come out of my shell too
- really cool dude ! he had a big heart . was always willing to bust in and save the day and for that i thank him
- we would just fuckin wrestle sometimes and usually end up breaking something in the process and i do stan
- when we lived in the order hall together we hung out a lot . had strength contests . i was able to pick him up at some point . good times
- really for real the only one of us with a brain cell and ultimately the biggest reason we worked as a team i love her so much
- pretended to be all serious sometimes but was in general just a big dork . got really really excited to show off something new to us
- literally could not understand a single thing she said sometimes but when she rambled off we would all sit there and listen as intently as possible
- a blessing tbh ! we clicked surprisingly well . she helped me learn to meditate, and it calmed my anger issues down a lot .
- also helped romeo during his rehabilitation, + we all got closer during that timeframe
- a very big lesbian who missed em very very much, every time em came to visit btown it was a party and a half
- things were ... complicated between us at first . had a lot of mixed feelings about him . eventually became pals, though things were always weirdly strained between us . that being said i like him a lot !
- when i came back to visit btown i stayed in his shop, and i helped clean up and run the place on occasion
- honestly .. being his champion wasn't bad, we mostly just talked . we could relate to eachother a lot, and i geneuinely felt comfortable with him for a while . we understood eachother surprisingly well .
- redemption route . romeo stayed in btown for a little while before he left, and the town helped rehabilitate him for a time . i taught him how to fight, and we got along through that . last i spoke to him directly though .
- post-canon, during my adventures, i would swing by the underneath just to check up on him out of curiosity . he seemed to be doing fine, and helping things out down there was going well for him . i didn't talk to him directly, but it was nice to know that there was hope for him, which to me meant .. that there was also hope for me despite my issues .